# License information. The trial version is fully
# functional however you are limited to 15 form
# submitting after which you have to restart your
# server.
# You may use this servlet on a single web server
# for use on a single web site You may not copy,
# redistribute, decompile or extend any of files.
# Please read the full license information file
# for more information. Before using this software.
# To receive your registration number either
# register at our site at www.ubudesign.com or
# send a check in the amount of $25 to:
# UBU Design
# 2344 28th Street
# Santa Monica, CA 90405
# Please make user you include your e-mail address
# and company info.
servlet.license = trial
# this should be set to what ever your success and
# failure URLs are.
form.sucessurl = /confirm.html
form.failureurl = /error.html
# location of where files that get uploaded needs
# to be stored. This is in case you have included
# a file input type.
upload.dir= c:/ubudesign/uploads
# the maximum allowable file size in byte that a
# user is allowed to send.
# 10000000 or about 1 megabyte
upload.maxfilesize= 1000000
# List here the names of all fields of your form
# separated by camas
fields= first_name, last_name, email, color, picture
# from the list above indicate which one are required
# by the user to enter. For example in his case
# first_name and email are required
fields.required= first_name, email
# Should the servlet save the form results into a file.
# full path to the data file
# what character should be used as the delimiter.
# This is useful for importing the data file to
# your database such as MS Access
database.delimiter = |
# Should an e-mail be send to you each time a user
# submits the form.
email.sendtoadmin = yes
# hostname of the SMTP mail server. Ask your system
# admin if you don't have this information
email.host = smtp.runbox.com
# what should be the from e-mail address
email.from = info@ubudesign.com
# your e-mail address as well as the subject and body
# of the message
email.admin.address = alex@ubudesign.com
email.admin.subject = new form submit
email.admin.body = the following info has been submitted
email.admin.appendform = yes
email.sendtouser = yes
email.user.subject = Confirmation of your form submit
email.user.body = dear friend thank you for signing with us...
email.user.appendform = yes
form.sucessurl = /confirm.html
form.failureurl = /error.html